1. Knowledge Base
  3. Receipt Bank / Dext for Supplier invoices and Employee Expenses

What's my Dext / Receipt Bank Login in the mobile App?

When your Dext (formerly known as Receipt Bank) login was first setup, you will have received an email that will have contained your username/email address as well as the password with explanations as follows:

Subject: Your Standard Ledger Dext login


For the App, you will need to Add an Account for each of the invoice and expense submission (so we know how to treat them). Depending on what you use the App for, you will need to add one or both of the following:

invoices Account: StartupCo.invoices@dext.cc (pwd:Receipt01)

expenses Account: reimburse.FIRSTNAME.LASTNAME@dext.cc (pwd:Receipt01)

If you use the App to submit both supplier invoices and expenses for reimbursement, take care to select the correct Account before taking a picture of the expense receipt.

For your information, see our Dext help for overview diagrams and some FAQs on How It Works and feel free to reach out to us if you have any queries.
